


近年來,我國同時面臨少子化與高齡化的衝擊,生育率一度於2008年跌破1以下,成為全世界生育率最低的國家;65歲以上人口佔總人口比例也於2014年突破12%,國發會也推估我國將於2025年邁入超高齡社會,高齡化速度為全球之最。在此困境之下,外籍人才的引進係促使國家經濟、社會結構順利轉型的重要手段之一。 財團法人中技社身為一非營利之公益法人,於民國103年起已連續三年舉辦「在台外籍研究生企業參訪活動」。藉由增進在台修讀學位之外籍學生對台灣企業及其經營環境有更多的認識與了解,將有助我國產業吸引所需之優秀國際科技菁英。透過實際參訪我國優良企業之經營實況及雙向討論,了解我國科技及綠色產業發展現況與前景,增進在台優秀之外籍學生完成學業後留台貢獻所學之意願,提供產業與在台優秀外籍學生交流管道,協助企業網羅國際人才。 此外,為逐年精進活動辦理成效,強化我國企業與優秀外籍學生之互動,本年度特別新增「行政院全球招商及攬才聯合服務中心」的參訪行程,由專家說明政府對於外籍人才引進之制度、管道及實務做法,並簡介外籍生在獲取學位之後在台居留、工作等相關議題,協助優秀之外籍生跨越外籍人士留台工作所面臨的障礙與困境。 由於本項活動深獲各校國際學生的好評,在逐年累積活動人氣之下,報名人數逐年增加,今年度更收到來自23國、16校之外籍研究生之合格申請,包括碩士生104名、博士生23名,共計127份。故本社於今年度更擴大辦理規模,使活動梯次與名額倍增。在兼顧申請者之國籍、就讀學校及系所等之多樣性為原則之下,並參考申請者之研究規劃、學業表現等項目遴選之後,遴選出兩梯次各三十名學員(合計六十名學員),分別於105年6月22日至24日(第一梯次)及105年9月8日至10日(第二梯次)參與本企業參訪活動。 本次參訪活動的第一梯次拜訪了台電公司林口電廠(Linkou Thermal Power Plant, Taipower Company)及其由中鼎工程公司(CTCI Corporation)承包的擴建工程,全球電源管理與散熱解決方案龍頭的台達電子(Delta Group),世界快閃記憶體領頭者的群聯電子(Phison Electronics Corporation),多家歐美知名品牌及擁有亞洲自我品牌的自行車生產廠的野寶科技(A-Pro Tech Company)、製程設備、自動化設備及精密模具零組件製造商及身為台積電設備供應者的均豪精密工業(Gallant Precision Machining Company)。 透過上述國內頂尖企業費心安排的企業介紹,並帶領參訪學生實際參觀企業設施與生產營運狀況,不但使在台外籍學子能夠深入了解台灣科技的發展及管理模式。本梯次活動中,更榮幸地獲得群聯電子董事長與創辦人潘健成先生、台達電子副總經理蔡榮騰先生、以及各家企業的高階主管,親臨活動現場致詞演講,並積極與學員交流互動,使得所有參加之學生莫不深感機會難得、意義非凡並受益良多。以下摘錄參與第一梯次的外籍學員對上述企業參訪的心得感想,與大家分享。

羅傑/Roger Jose Gomez Sandoval ((清華大學IMBA碩二) 尼加拉瓜)

As International student, it is very hard to find the right offers at the right time, but I have to say that CTCI Foundation did a great job by choosing the amazing enterprises we had the chance to visit. The variety of sectors, industries, and size was definitely on point, and I can’t choose a favorite among all of them, as they were all impressively different but incredibly appealing at the same time. First, we visited the Linkou Thermal Power Plant of Taipower Company, and we had the chance to know more about Power generation, transmission, and even distribution of electricity in Taiwan. We also went to Delta Group´s R&D Center, where they explained to us not only the fact that they are a global leader for the energy efficient power products industry, but also they shared with us the offers they have for international students who are willing to stay here in Taiwan and build a professional career. They also showed us the successfully implemented green building they have and all the techniques they utilize to “Go Green”. Our second day started with one of the most successful companies in Taiwan, Phison Electronics Corporation, the international working environment was evident, even the presenter was from Brazil, something that caught my attention right away given that I am from Nicaragua, another Latin-American country. Their focus on R&D was very appealing for all of us, they are definitely working with leading technologies and their expansion process is really evident, given our globalized world starving for high-speed data storage devices. Our visit to A-Pro Tech Company was such a nice experience, I remember they said they were a medium enterprise, but then when we went to the fabric and when we saw their alliances with well-renowned brands around the world, I understood they are just humble and modest. They are actually leaders for the cycling industry and their high-quality bicycle frames are undeniably appealing. As team, they seem to work efficiently, indeed, all the employees seemed to know what they were doing. I would love to work for a company with such a nice organizational culture. Our last stop was the Gallant Precision Machining Company, they shared with us how important is for them their human resource, they consider their “powerful professional engineering R&D team” as one of the most important assets they have in the company, which is something very positive when it comes to looking for a place to build a successful professional career. The innovation is very evident as one of their core values, their scope includes a variety of technology-oriented equipment, and one of the things that I liked the most was that their vision is, let’s say, “Improving living quality” oriented.

畢杰/Bijay Prasad Jaysawal ((成功大學電腦與通信工程研究所博四) 尼泊爾)

I am Bijay Prasad Jaysawal from Nepal. I am a Ph.D. student of Computer and Communication Engineering studying at National Cheng Kung University. I got a chance to join “2016 Enterprise Visit for International Graduate Students” organized by CTCI Foundation. I could say that CTCI Foundation has created a very good platform for international graduate students studying in Taiwan to gain some insight into Taiwanese industries, and the Taiwanese companies are also benefited by this event to attract international talents. The tour program included two days for industries visits and one day for excursion tour. All the arrangements were fascinating. This program gave me some idea about very good companies which attracted my interests, such as Delta Group, Gallant Precision Machining Company, and Phison Electronics Corporation. I also came to know about InvestTaiwan Service Center. I was really impressed with the concept of ITSC where Taiwan government wants to attract the international students to invest “their talents” in Taiwan. During the visit, I was really attracted by the Phison’s concept of social responsibility. They established a “Phison Farm” next to their headquarters, invited their employees to experience farming life and nature, and also associated their plants to some memorable events and collaboration with other companies. If I start a company in future, I will definitely adopt this interesting concept of Phison Farm. On the last day, the excursion tour included visiting Sun Moon Lake, Shuili Snake Kiln Pottery Culture Park, and CheCheng Station. All the places are beautiful where anyone can feel being close to nature. At last, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to CTCI Foundation and its member for all their efforts and giving me an opportunity to join the event.

郭什銘/Axel Guzman ((成功大學土木工程學系碩二) 瓜地馬拉)

First I will like to express my gratitude for letting me be part of the enterprise visit. The visit was well organized and it could be seen that the enterprises were strategically selected, because all of the companies were leaders in their fields, which is a motivation to apply for them. During the past two years that I have been in Taiwan, I have never had the opportunity to be that close of the enterprise world, especially to such important companies. Even though my career is engineering-oriented, all the knowledge acquired during the master degree was just theoretical without access to the real business in Taiwan. Due to my background in Civil Engineering and Management and my master expertise in Project Management and BIM technology, CTCI Corporation (through the thermal plant expansion project) was the company that most call my attention. Construction engineering is one of the most demanding fields in Taiwan due to the new regulations of energy generation, so this visit really help me to apply for a suitable job. The other best company in this visit for me was Delta. Delta showed a great business area, especially for the green sustainable implementations that the company has. Even Delta’s building was LEED accredited, which shows great compromise with sustainability (another studied field in my career). In the case of Phison, I think it is a great company, even though its business activities are not related to my career. On contrary to Delta, Phison showed open to receive new talents, which was one of the objectives of this visit. In summary, it was a great experience in which I learned now how to apply to those companies, my understanding of Taiwan’s job opportunities is better. It was such a useful visit, especially with the introduction information given by Invest Taiwan Service Center. Thanks again for the opportunity,

蓋亞德/Dimitri Senat Cayard ((清華大學工業工程與工程管理學系碩二) 海地)

The 2016 Enterprise Visit organized by CTCI for graduate students was a complete success. During the trip, we had the opportunities to travel around Taiwan, visit historical place and most importantly, companies, the main purpose of the trip. To put into words what has been memorable and serves as a complete amazing new experience, I won’t go further without mentioning it was the first time during my journey in Taiwan that I got the opportunity not only to visit enterprise and see how they manufacture products but also to talk and discuss jobs opportunities with companies’ executives. I personally learn something special from each company and along the way that let me figure out where I can probably try to apply for a job opportunity. First the Linkou Thermal Power Plant that we visited first showed me interesting view on Taiwan energy system. Delta group appeared to me as a very innovative, technologically driven and devoted to save the planet. It was a great experience to get to see a worldwide known company working to provide long lasting solutions to the definitely crucial environmental issues we are facing in the world today. As one of the executive said, it is a very good workplace where ones can build an amazing career. The Phison Electronics Company draws all my attention based on the famous story of their chairman. Having listening to him and one of executives, I was left with the conclusion that it is importance in the world is inversely proportional to its size. The dynamic of one of their employees talking to us showed how it can be a good place to work. Later on, one the company that draws my interests was A-Pro. As an industrial engineer I felt in love with their system and already feel like working there. Galant Precision Machine Company appeared also very unique in its style with not so many employees yet providing high quality and managed to be successful. Many thanks to this program and CTCI Foundation, I can notice a good movement launched by Taiwan to attract foreigners to have a beautiful career here. This opportunity to visit Taiwan’s industries and know about their criteria to hire foreigners is a good push up given to any graduate here in their process of building a career in the Heart of Asia.

林瑞絲/Claudia Canelas ((成功大學土木工程學系碩二) 宏都拉斯)

First of all I would like to thank CTCI foundation for giving me the opportunity, and for considering me as a talent that can benefit Taiwanese companies. I think activities like this are very important for foreign students like us for many reasons, because it gives us the link between recruitment agencies (ITSC) that have information about visas, and job openings and are interested in connecting us with companies, and it also gives us a direct insight with Taiwanese companies, their general information their managers, employment information and benefits. I really appreciated the time and thought that is put into this activity, because all the companies we visited were expecting us, and were prepared and happy to introduce the company to us in English which made us feel welcomed and special. For me, the highlights of this event was the visit with ITSC, which is a recruitment government agency with specialized people interested in connecting us with job vacancies to which you can make questions and they are happy to help. We visited many companies, in the high-tech industry. Since my major is engineering, for me this is different from other recruitment activities which generally only have sales and business opportunities. Between the companies we visited were GPM, Phison Electronics Corporation, A-Pro Tech, Linkau plant and Delta Group. From the companies we visited, the ones I liked the most were the Linkau plant and Delta Group (since my Master’s degree is in sustainability, and my bachelors is Civil Engineering, these two were the most related to my professional skills and knowledge). Some highlights of other companies that I liked were that in Phison Electronics we could meet the owner, whose story was very inspiring. Also, besides introducing us the company, they had a foreign engineer explain us the company, and gave us information about vacancies and employment benefits the company offers. CTCI foundation made us feel really welcomed, and took us to eat at very nice restaurants and we stayed at very nice hotels. Overall I think all the activity was well thought, organized and made us feel grateful of being selected. Thank you very much for selecting me, and for the patience and thought of organizing this event for us.

Ramesh Perumal ((清華大學電機工程學系博三) 印度)

This report is based on my experience during the enterprise visit organized by CTCI Foundation in June (22-24), 2016. The enterprise visit started with an orientation meeting with the representatives of Invest Taiwan Service Centre. During this meeting, I came to know about the work permit regulations for the international students in Taiwan. Specifically, the points table illustrating the required number of points in each category was very useful to understand the work permit evaluation process. The most important thing I learnt during this meeting was the industry trend and the hot recruitment domains like Industry 4.0, bio medicine and devices, and smart systems. During the trip, there are several companies caught my attention. The first company was the Linkou Thermal Power Plant constructed by CTCI Corporation for the Taiwan Power Company. The power generation process flow was illustrated with an emphasis on the initiatives taken towards maintaining a clean and green environment. The next company was Delta Group’s R&D centre in Taoyuan. Being an electrical engineering student, I am highly motivated by the versatile electronic product lines of this company. This company emerged as the role model for a smart green system with dedicated efforts in energy efficient power products, health care systems, human machine interfaces, and several industrial automation systems like PCB assembly, SMT and motor production systems. And I also got an opportunity to visit Phison Electronics Corporation in Hsinchu. They gave an exposure to us on the current technologies and business trends of the company, and eliminated the communication gap between students and the company. I felt this experience when I discussed directly with the Human Resources Manager and the R&D Director of Phison. I was introduced to know the company’s expectations, policies, benefits and the work culture. The visit would be incomplete without the final day cultural trip and it was such a great pleasure to visit the beautiful places like Sun Moon Lake. When I visited the Xuan Zan temple, I am very happy to notice that the monk had visited several parts of India including my home town. Above all, I am able to contact several key persons of the companies which I visited during this trip, and it would be a great opportunity for me to find a suitable job in near future. Throughout the trip, I felt this trip was well planned and executed. It is such a valuable trip, and I would be thankful to the CTCI Foundation.

伶香/Puspa Devi Pukhrambam ((台灣科技大學化學工程學系博四) 印度)

It was great pleasure to be a part of Enterprise Visit for International Graduate Student, organized by CTCI foundation. This visit not only enriched my knowledge about multiple business firm but also influence me to think of a bigger dreams. Among those companies we visited, one of the most impressive thing for me is how the Delta group design their Intelligent Green Building. The idea of combining the smart and green technology can leads to the change in our society. It will makes our life easier and better without harming the environment. As buildings are responsible for an enormous amount of national energy use, resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Such kind of green building are more sustainable building options in today’s world. The other most inspiring part of this trip was to meet Mr. Pen, who is chairman and co-founder of Phison Electronics Corporation and also a Malaysian. His successful story encouraged me a lot, a man at the young age of 40’s become a successful Entrepreneurs, and having its very own company which have total capital of above NT $ 1.97billion. I never dare to think to start up a company in foreign country. I was thinking it might be a nearly impossible step with simple background family like me. But Mr. Pen though comes from a farmer family, he start up his own company and become a successful business man today. I really thankful to CTCI foundation for organizing such a trip which helps especially for a foreign student like me to have more understandings about Taiwan’s business and working environment more closely.

潘武德河/Ha Phan ((清華大學化學工程學系碩二) 越南)

It’s such a good chance to become a participant of CTCI Enterprise Visit, in that I had a lot of unforgettable memories. We met at Invest Taiwan Service Center to be introduced about job opportunities in Taiwan. We had a 1-hour meeting with a lot of useful information and they had been answering our every questions. It demonstrates the huge interests of career from international students in Taiwan. CTCI program also gave us chances to visit different Taiwanese outstanding companies. Those companies are the pioneers in the field that they are in charge. Each company gave us a new knowledge about real industry system. The first place is Linkou thermal power plant which generates electricity by coal burning. The whole system is controlled by a central room with all parameters, sensors, and information about real-time process. Then, we went to Delta cooperation at the afternoon. The most impressive thing in there is eco-friendly building. In that, Delta cooperation invented so many new ideas to save energy and made it comes true. The day after that, we visited 3 companies include Phison, Aprotek, and GPM. After 2 days of full enterprise activities, we visited Sun Moon Lake in Nantou to relax. This is the second time I’ve been there, but it still makes me so surprised about the awesome landscape. We enjoyed the moment together, and had many unforgettable memories. During the trip, I also had chances to make friends with students all around the world who went with me in this trip. We shared the knowledge about ourselves, exchanged culture, and learnt some greeting words from other countries. It’s such a great time for me.

亞杜/Bayardo Jose Salgado ((清華大學IMBA碩二) 宏都拉斯)

First of all, I am really thankful with CTCI Foundation for the given opportunity and all the attentions and care you provided to us. I found interesting the way Taiwanese companies work and the effort they put in being attentive with us and explain everything in English, although some of them were not multinational companies with a lot of foreigners. This shows the interest of Taiwan to strive for a more internationalized working environment, providing a lot of opportunities for us foreigners, but yet, considering that it is still important for us to learn Mandarin to ensure a better career in Taiwan. It also got my attention that Taiwan offers more opportunities in the technical and engineering areas compared to the business/administration sector; which it is of my interest due to my engineering background, but at the same time, it limits me to apply the knowledge recently acquired within the IMBA program that I just graduated. For the enterprise visit, I would have liked to hear more about job positions of each company, or a description of profiles they are looking for, aside from the excellent business description they provided. Overall, and after being part of this enterprise visit, I consider Taiwan has the potential to become a more internationalized country, which (after spending two years living here) I contemplate as the first option to continue with the development of my professional career. Lastly, I appreciate the help provided by CTCI Foundation’s and ITSC’s staff, and all the people that made this event an important and pleasant way to know more about Taiwan. Thank you so much.

葉成林/Pranata Wibawa Sanjaya ((台灣科技大學電子工程學系碩二) 印尼)

During this enterprise visit, there are totally five different companies being visited. First, we visited Linkou Thermal Power Plant (Taipower) and Delta’s R&D Center. Taipower plays an important role in providing electricity for Taiwan’s people. As the possibility of lacking of electricity is increasing lately, the three new generating units in Linkou surely help to address the upcoming shortage crisis. Delta, a world famous company for its electronic power supply solution, is the second company we visited. Now Delta is also dedicated into providing solutions for addressing global warming and sustainable energy for green smart building. We also visited Phison Electronic Corporation, it’s specialty is adapting NAND-flash technology across industry, but for me, the most inspiring thing is that two of the five co-founders of Phison are foreigner from Malaysia and Macau. In addition, we also visited A-Pro Tech, a bicycle parts manufacturing company. It plays an important role in global bicycle supply chain and now it plans to go world-wide and open another factory in South-East Asia. The last one is Gallant Precision Machining (GPM) Company, which is very famous for their precision machine products and they are also becoming TSMC’s equipment supplier. We can consider this company as the “real hero” who manufacture our daily used electronic products. As international student, I am very grateful toward the opportunity given by CTCI Foundation and ITSC for introducing us international students to Taiwan companies. Hopefully this can gives us more chances to stay and work in Taiwan.

翁日華/Thotsaporn Wongsrikun ((台灣科技大學資訊管理學系碩三) 泰國)

The company visit hosted by CTCI Foundation certainly broadened my horizon with seeing several high-tech firms and meeting many good friends from many universities in Taiwan. This program was totally worth participating even within only a few days. The companies which we visited during the trip all are located in different spots around Science Park and industrial area in Taiwan. Those areas are really not accessible for anyone except who work there. This trip allowed us to see their working routines. It was great opportunity to get the benefit of knowing their deep insight in order to make a decision for job application for particular company. Without this experience, I would never know what real job qualifications are all about. All of the companies we visited give us really great hospitality, and they were also willing to provide us all information we wanted to know about them. Moreover, it was a good chance for me to directly talk with the managers and exchange business cards to contact them in the future. Even though some industries are not related to my study field, but it was still a good opportunity to see and learn about another area for the sake of knowledges. This trip was not only for visiting companies but also making a friendship. I met many intelligent students from many different countries. We had a lot of good time along the trip to discuss and exchange knowledges/experiences about living in Taiwan as a foreign student. For me, this is the ultimate goal for living in Taiwan, making a connection with Taiwanese companies, local people, and other foreign students like me. So that we could make things become possible all together.

希則/Cesar Ricardo Ordonez ((清華大學IMBA碩二) 宏都拉斯)

This trip was an amazing experience. Before this trip, I was inclined to find a job back to my home country, because I thought it was the safest bet and there is no place like home. But after this trip, in which we got a glimpse of Taiwan’s manufacturing industry, I might change my mind. The companies that I found extremely interesting were Delta, Phison, A-Pro, and GPM. I used to work in a manufacturing company and they were slightly similar. I like how these companies invest in research and development, which is a notable contrast to Honduras. Another fascinating factoid to me was that I never heard of these companies before but I have heard lots of the products they manufacture. For example, I currently have several Phison’s USB products. I also own an Xbox 360 with cooling fans produced by Delta. Based on the few hours we spent at each company, I also liked the way they treat their employees. A-Pro seems like a big family and GPM works like a highly efficient team. And if the way they welcome us can be samples of the Taiwanese hospitality and company’s attitude toward foreigners, then I must say that Taiwan is a great place to live and work. Perhaps the only obstacle is the language barrier. I am certain that some other students can speak fluent Chinese and may be candidates whom Taiwan’s companies are eagerly needing. For those struggling with the language, we still need to learn and practice. GPM told me speaking English and Mandarin is a tremendous advantage, especially for those companies with support sites in the US and even in South East Asia. I learned some Chinese but until now I still cannot hold a conversation without mixing English, but I think this is a challenge which can be overcome gradually if I continuously work on it.