
Vinothkumar Jeganathan

The three day trip was a great experience for me to learn what job opportunities are available in Taiwan, and the criteria for foreigners to be recruited by Taiwanese companies. Unlike movies, the trip gave me the real time exposure at factory. It is my first time experiencing advanced technology of Industry 4.0 with virtual reality. I am much impressed by Shihlin Electrics, Fair Friend Group and THC. I learned a lot of practical ideas about transformer manufacturing and other interesting things. The session at ITSC with the government agents helped to clarify many previous doubts about VISA process, permit, and other formalities. I was worried about my career in Taiwan before attending the visit, but now I am feeling somewhat relaxed that a lot of options are available for international students. Students like me benefitted from the enterprise visit. I was pleased to learn about job and entrepreneur options which are available to international students. As well, I got to meet people coming from different countries and cultures. I am very thankful to the CTCI Foundation for the wonderful arrangement. Please kindly continue this type of enterprise visit activity for international students.