
Namkhaidorj Galkhuu

My thanks go out to the CTCI Foundation and staff for organizing this 2017 Enterprise Visit. At first, I am eager to learn about how these leading companies operate in Taiwan, as well as how they run factories. Unlike pictures from textbooks, products in different factories are carefully designed, planned, and then manufactured through production stages as the end products. As I am still trying to connect my research to real business model, the 3-day enterprise visit is really inspiring as it gives me precise pictures to build up my own business in Taiwan, and motivates me to conduct my research more actively. My suggestion is that perhaps we could consider visiting two more companies on the third day. And it might help to include nano technology or biotech industries on the visit list, aside from manufacturing giants, since this might be quite interesting to participants. Other than that, information from InvesTaiwan is helpful and insightful.