


台灣在邁向高齡化及少子化的趨勢下,外籍人才的引進係促使國家經濟、社會結構順利轉型的重要手段之一。因此藉由增進在台修讀學位之外籍學生對台灣企業及其經營環境有更多的認識與了解,將有助於吸引產業所需之優秀國際科技菁英。財團法人中技社身為一非營利之公益法人,於民國103年首度試辦「在台外籍研究生(含大陸、港、澳地區)台灣企業參訪活動」。藉由實際參訪我國優良企業之經營實況及雙向討論,了解我國科技及綠色產業發展現況與前景,增進在台優秀之外籍學生完成學業後留台貢獻所學之意願,提供產業與在台優秀外籍學生交流管道,協助企業網羅國際人才。 為逐年精進活動辦理成效,強化我國企業與優秀外籍學生之互動。今(104)年度起,更將申請資格擴大包括在台修讀博、碩士學位之僑生,共計有自17國18地、16校46系所之外籍研究生共計72人申請(包括碩士生49名、博士生14名、交換生9名)。在兼顧申請者之國籍、就讀學校及系所等之多樣性為原則之下,並參考申請者之研究規劃、學業表現等項目遴選之後,共計25名獲選外籍研究生全程參加104年7月2日(四)~4日(六)為期3天的企業參訪活動。 本次參訪活動共計拜訪位於台北市的中鼎工程公司(CTCI Corporation)總部、位於桃園市的研華科技公司(Advantech Co., Ltd.)桃園廠與立凱電能科技公司(Advanced Lithium Electrochemistry, Aleees)車電事業部、以BOT模式經營苗栗縣垃圾焚化廠(Miaoli County Refuse Incineration Plant)的裕鼎公司、以及位於台中市的漢翔航空工業公司(Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation, AIDC)總部與銀泰科技公司(PMI Group)總部。 透過上述六家國內頂尖的科技及綠色廠商所費心安排的企業介紹與說明,並帶領參訪學生參觀企業設施與實際運作情況,不但使在台外籍學子了解國內綠能產業發展現況與前景外,並深入企業了解台灣科技的先進發展及管理模式。參訪學生並可直接與各企業主管及員工對談、交流、及提問,參加之學生莫不深感參訪機會難得、意義非凡並受益良多。另外,於參訪行程中沿途亦遊覽了清境農場、埔里酒廠及彰濱工業區玻璃館等台灣特色景點,讓外籍學子充分感受到台灣的自然與人文之美。以下摘錄本次活動外籍生對台灣企業參訪的心得與建議,與大家分享。

洪嘉怡 ((台灣大學化學工程系碩士班一年級) 馬來西亞)

三天兩夜的企業參訪,圓滿結束。在這幾天的行程裡,謝謝中技社的安排與照顧。經過這三天的旅程,收穫甚多,除了對台灣企業更加了解,也認識了好多來自十多個不同的國家的新朋友,這的確是個難得的經驗。 參訪第一天,我們首先拜訪了研華科技智能建築園區,這建築物集合了能源管理與智能情境空間管理這兩項技術,也是研華科技致力發展的未來趨勢,透過這建築物作示範,以作出技術的改進。我們參觀了這棟智能建築的中控室,確實挺酷炫,全是螢幕觸控式的界面,及時更新當下的狀態,使到建築物能感受到環境變化而做出調整。而緊接著的中鼎工程公司,是台灣最大的工程公司,涉及煉油、石化、化工等業務。聽完他們R&D部門組長的介紹,建立一間工廠,先從工廠的規劃與設計開始,透過3D模擬系統繪畫呈現給客戶,目前已經到了4D的技術,搭配時間呈現整個工程的耗時與進度。最後,拜訪了台灣立凱電能科技,除了解動力鋰電池材料與電動車輛整體解決方案之外,我們也參觀了他們的實驗室,主要針對鋰電池的各項安全檢測以確保在最惡劣的環境下將鋰電池的危險性降到最低。太魯閣客運便是採用了台灣立凱電能科技所開發的鋰電池作為能源,是全世界首支以全電動營運的公車,我們也坐上了這款電動公車及時體驗。 第二天,則去位於苗栗縣、台灣第一間將周圍環境納入規劃與設計而成的的垃圾焚化廠。焚化場周圍非常乾淨且無任何異味,和想像中的焚化廠落差極大。我們參觀了廠內垃圾進料斗中控室,透過機械手臂將垃圾收集到焚化爐內,灰渣再運至掩埋場掩埋,廢氣也經過處理再對外排放。接著拜訪位於台中的漢翔航空,並得知漢翔航空與波音等國際大廠亦有合作生產許多重要的航空零件,讓我大開眼界。接著參訪了最後一家銀泰科技,該公司生產的滾珠導螺桿是很多機械器材裡都必須用到的零件,iPhone上多個孔洞,都要靠滾珠螺桿跟線性滑軌來精準定位鑽孔,負責人帶我們到廠裡參觀了滾珠導螺桿的整個製程過程,從小到大任何尺寸都有。 兩天的企業參訪,讓我對於台灣企業有更深入的了解,是個難得的經驗,畢竟平常在學校裡沒有機會對外接觸。除了對於公司的背景歷史認識,如果能進一步得知有關職業的規劃也不錯,例如該公司對於外籍學生的政策或是一些實習的機會。最後,謝謝中技社提供我們這個機會參與,在參訪的最後一天帶我們去參觀了台灣一些旅遊景點,所有住宿、餐點的安排都非常貼心,希望以後還有機會能再次參加中技社的活動,謝謝。

達娃珂/Davaakhuu Dalai ((聯合大學經營管理所雙聯學制碩士班二年級) 蒙古)

First of all, I want to express my appreciation to CTCI Foundation for arranging this wonderful activity. It is really a nice opportunity to know Taiwan’s famous companies and explore their know-how in depth. During this 3 days tour, I get to know a lot of international friends and have a great chance to share culture with them. All the companies we visited are well-known and specialized in their own expertise. All of them have shown professionalism by dedicating themselves in developing advanced technology and unique working environment. I was really impressed by Miaoli Country Refuse Incineration Plant. It is one of the most ecologically friendly incineration plants in Taiwan. They not only generate electricity by processing garbage, but also dedicate themselves to conserve ecological system, such as butterfly…and so on. In addition, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) was the other company catching my attention. It seems to play a pivotal role in Aerospace industry no matter domestically or internationally. Unfortunately, because their company policy, they have no intention to hire foreign employees. As for the Advantech Co., Ltd, they provide different IOT solutions and make sure their customers are 100% satisfied. That is really impressive! After this trip, not only do I understand more about Taiwanese industries and also really want to develop my career in Taiwan. It is really a good experience. Thanks so much CTCI Foundation.

郭春暉/Xuan Huy Quach ((成功大學資訊工程系碩士班二年級) 越南)

The first place we visited, Advantech’s Intelligent Building which demonstrates state-of-art IOT solution was really exciting. My thesis topic has a lot of relationships with IOT and I think this is a good opportunity for me to looking for a job in Taiwan after graduating. Next enterprise, CTCI Corporation, is a great international engineering company with many huge projects. After that, we visited Advanced Lithium Electrochemistry that applied lithium battery technology to manufacture green transporter such as electric vehicles. We had the chance to try electric bus produced by the company and think this idea is necessary for human future. In the second day of the trip, Miaoli County Refuse Incineration Plant generates electricity by feeding waste, which is very needed in my country, and if possible I hope that our government could transfer this technology in near future. In my opinion, the most interesting enterprise is Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation. It was first time that I could see the various components of aircraft and how they were manufactured. The last enterprise we visited is PMI Group. We visited the production line of their ball screws, linear guideway and mono stage. Moreover, I had very comfortable and happy time during the trip with people coming from more than 10 countries. In my mind, there are lot unforgettable memories including amazing QingJing Farm with highland fresh air, sheep shows and Mongolian Riding Horse shows, Puli Winery’s Hong Er Jiu, Taiwan Glass Gallery’s Hu Sheng Temple. I think energy and pollution are big issues of modern life so that green technologies become more and more important. In this reason, I think this enterprise visiting trip can widen our mind to know how to apply green solutions for the whole society. I want to say thanks to CTCI Foundation for giving us the opportunity to visit above six enterprises, to meet new friends and taking care of us during the trip. I have got a lot of useful information of Taiwan’s enterprise from this trip.